Burn some real calories while having real fun!
Hosted by a certified WERQ dance fitness instructor, this one-hour class will get your heart rate going while getting your feet moving.
Open to the general public, this is a great way to kick off your St. Patrick's Day weekend. Cost is FREE for AKMW members and only $5 to non-members payable via Venmo or in cash on day-of.
Tell your friends and family to join us and get ready to have a blast while still getting a real workout.
Join on Friday, March 14th @ 6:00pm - Call Us to Reserve Your Spot
Have you ever wondered how to properly use a knife to protect yourself, or what to do if you were slashed in an attack? Then this seminar is probably for you.
Alpha Krav Maga's ultimate Kali and edged weapon resource Adam Fultz, is joined by the US Navy's own Gavin Reshkus, to teach you basic knife handling skills, along with what to do when the blade meets the flesh.
This two-hour seminar will teach you the basics of knife handling along with first aid to address a variety of different slashes and wounds. This seminar is open to the public and is only $30 per participant, but free to all AKMW members.
Join on Saturday, April 7th @ 10:00am - Call Us to Reserve Your Spot
Official Press Release - 3/1/2024
WalCo Krav Maga & Personal Protection Joins AKMI and Rebrands as Alpha Krav Maga Wisconsin